I had my first bi-weekly check up yesterday and Tucker is looking good! My belly is now measuring a week smaller, so maybe, just, maybe I will get to have an itty bitty after all! If I still measure small at my next appt. in two weeks than I get to have another ultra sound... music to my ears! I love getting to see my little Tuck moving all around!
Speaking of moving- Tucker had the hiccups for the first time last night, which are pretty fun- I called Brad into the room so he could feel them and as soon as he put his hand on my belly Tucker gave him a big kick! Then of course he stopped his hiccups and didn't move anymore for daddy... but that Big Kick was worth it!
I have more to blog about but I need to get my pictures loaded and edited so be looking for a couple new posts later this week!
Christmastime with Family!
1 month ago
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