Today I contribute my inspiration to write a new post to the boredom that I am currently facing at work... I have 30 minutes before I am supposed to leave and I have already finished everything I had for today. I am such a quick little worker! Ha Ha. I am the type of person that likes to get stuff done, I don't like to leave things half done, it drives me crazy. I think that is one of the reasons I don't like to do laundry... it is always half done! The only way to get it all done and not have anymore to do is to sit around your house necked all day long while doing load after load of laundry. Why do you have to be necked you ask? Because if you are wearing clothes then you will have to wash them after you take them off. It is miserable! Why most laundry be so miserable??? And boys laundry at that, my husband, love that man, has more clothes than a department store and he wears all of them. He recently did a massive clean out of his closet and drawerers and I mean massive and he still collects about 30 lbs of laundry a day. Anyways, that is my rant for today... I need to do something productive before I leave!!!
Christmastime with Family!
1 month ago
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