Tucker Bradley

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

19 Weeks Sonogram

Let me just say that this was the most fun sonogram yet! I have only had one other, but this one takes the cake! We got to see our little guy move and squirm so much, it was precious!  So here is how we found out it was a boy...

Sono lady: "look there are the legs"
Me: "Aww his little legs"... "I mean or hers... I keep doing that!"
Sono lady: " You guessed the right gender, its a Boy!"
Me: "Really?!?!"
Sono lady: " Really"
Brad: "Yes!" (in a proud manly voice)

We were so excited and still are!!! I was a little nervous at first though, because the sono lady could tell it was a boy right away and when she showed us how she knew it was, we were less than convinced.  So she said she would take her measurements and move around and see if he would give us a better angle!  After the first set of measurements, she went back and well... he was holding it, I laughed, and Brad said "that's home base" (again in a proud manly voice)!  She took some more measurements and then went back one more time and our doubts were erased... I will let the picture do the talking...

Its the "thing" in the middle above the word "bottom"
Like I said... No doubt!

This is his little head, a profile view... I think we have a mini Brad on our hands!


As I said in the last post, Tucker weighs 12 1/2 oz.  This is 4 more oz. than his developmental stage!  My first thought was that my due date was off, but the dr. said everything else is on target for my due date... which is when Brad reminded me that he was a 9lb. baby! Yikes! In case you are wondering I am only 5'4" and weigh roughly 127lbs... remember when you were younger and your mom or grandma would tell you that if you swallowed a watermelon seed that you would grow a watermelon in your belly... well, I haven't swallowed any seeds, but I have a feeling I will be delivering a watermelon in July!